Contact us

Send us your enquiry

Got a question or comment?

We are happy to hear from you. You can contact us via phone or email or drop by for a face-to-face application.

Level 1, 145 The Parade, Norwood, South Australia 5067

1300 974 066

Mon to Thu: 8:30am to 6:30pm (ACDT), Fri: 8:30am to 5pm

Our car loan application process

Bad Credit Car Loans Process

Get a quick quote and apply

First, get a free finance quote with us. You can choose to submit your initial application afterwards to tell us more about you as a borrower.

Speak with your consultant

Once we have your application, your consultant can get to work comparing your options. They’ll be in touch with you to discuss which is best for you.

Have your application submitted

After you confirm your preferred finance offer, your consultant will prepare your formal application for approval in line with your lender’s requirements.

Get approved and sign your loan contract

You can receive formal approval within one business day, after which you can sign and return your contract so you can take ownership of your new vehicle.

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